Monday, May 9, 2011

Mobile Apps & Sustainability

Now that the world has recognized a need to become more "green" in the future, implementing technology to promote sustainable behavior is a prime example of how innovation is catching up with the latest business trends. Since technology affects all aspects of our lives, it makes sense to use this tool as a way to keep sustainability in our minds at all times. Technology has and will continue to do so in the future directly affect sustainable practices, but it is now up to us to ensure that they help the cause and not destroy it. A recent innovative idea that I will be discussing about is the mobile sustainability applications. By using  our cell phones, we can significantly reduce the amount of resources consumed, improve manufacturing techniques, and focus on delivery systems. Smartphones have become a communication necessity in business and they can do just about anything, from tracking packages to depositing a check into the bank. Business owners and entrepreneurs are embracing smart phones because they are better, faster and have applications that focus to specific business needs. Now these phones are helping companies go green with the iPhone and Android's "Greenpeace Tissue Guide" app. This innovative idea allows a consumer to make better green-buying decisions on paper towels, tissues, toilet paper, and paper napkins. I first came across this app a couple months ago on my friend's iPhone and was impressed with how Apple is becoming up to date on the latest environmental trends.

Another brilliant app that mobile devices are now using to encourage customers to be more 'green' is the Avego. This application helps business owners who are worried about gas prices which matches real car drivers in real time as they travel, so ridesharing can be done whenever and wherever you are. This app helps businesses save on road issues and gas. I think that this is a good example of mobile innovation because it allows employees to sign up for ridesharing, which helps the economy focus on working together for a greener environment. The GreenDrive application is another innovative idea that lets a driver know how much more speed to increase or decrease in order to achieve maximum fuel efficiency. According to, this app saves a driver around 15-25% on fuel costs. As a result of Apple's application products, competitors such as Google and Microsoft will soon follow up with similar concepts. Mobile technology can help business sustainability initiatives and create a form of "green" standards for employees, customers, and owners to follow. Smartphone applications are advancing the way companies service their customers and spend their money. I see this innovative idea as brilliant because the more people use mobile devices, the better companies are creating an awareness for the need of more sustainable behavior. This is an integral way to change people's behavior by making it fun, easy, and trendy. 

1 comment:

  1. I liked reading your article because it went off a blog that I wrote about the large popularity of smartphones. Its nice to see that companies are using the demand for smartphones to benefit society and especially the environment. The new apps that Apple is making is increasing the awareness of the environment and ultimately it is a good strategy to help individuals live a more sustainable lifestyle for future generations.
